Title : Bright Planet Venus at Sunset in South-West Skies - Netherlands Duration : 01:14 Posted : 31 Mar 2016 - 19:05
Bright Planet Venus at Sunset in South-West Skies - Netherlands
Bright Planet Venus at Sunset in South-West Skies - Netherlands. Many think it is Nibiru, planet-x or a second sun. It is likely though just Venus, which is amazingly brilliant enough and easy to spot with the naked eye these evenings, just before and after sunset. Venus is a neat celestial body, now visible in virtual daylight. Venus on October 30, 2013: "First thing tonight, as soon as the sun goes down, look for the planet Venus low in the sunset direction. Venus, the third-brightest celestial body after the sun and moon, follows the sun beneath the horizon by early evening." Source: http://earthsky.org/tonight/no-meteor-shower-ahead-look-for-sporadic-meteors So Venus is like a second sun, well, actually a third sun! Who knows, maybe Venus IS Nibiru?! Bright Planet Venus at Sunset in South-West Skies - Netherlands
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