LIGO Detects Gravitational Waves using blind injection simulation which means it is basically a hoax or false flag. Here is the whistleblowing Guardian article warning about trusting such a claim - In this article you will discover the fakery is done on a need to basis with only the top 4 directors aware of the Gravitational Waves hoax - It is a shame that research grants, not just egos, are at stake with big announcements. People need to understand if they cannot make it they fake it. 100 years the best research labs could not confirm the assumption so they just fake it. There was a massive preperation for this with Hawkins doing special lectures and hinting he is going to get a Noble Prize (you see the narrative), its all showbiz. Astrophysics needs to be rescued. (I have never seen so much inferences made from so little data!) Caution is needed over claims that gravitational waves have been found. It could be a fake to test the detectors and scientists involved – it has been before However, we must regard this with caution at the moment. In the past, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (Ligo) management team has "injected" signals into the data to check whether the team can actually recognise them.
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