Title : Strawman Illusion ★ Birth Certificate Conspiracy Theory Rule of Law Explained 👽 NWO Matrix Exposed 2 Duration : 14:56 Posted : 30 Mar 2016 - 21:05
Strawman Illusion ★ Birth Certificate Conspiracy Theory Rule of Law Explained 👽 NWO Matrix Exposed 2
Strawman, Illusion, Birth Certificate, Conspiracy Theory, Rule of Law, Explained, NWO, Matrix, Exposed 3/27/16 Strawman - The Nature of the Cage (OFFICIAL) ★ https://goo.gl/B9HU2o The MATRIX we live in exposed!! Part1.avi ★ https://goo.gl/EGiI4U Meet Your Strawman Magistrate Court Kanawha County West Virginia Freedom ★ https://goo.gl/sSMEhe MUST WATCH Crown, Laws, Birth Certificate Scam, Strawman reverse engineered and exposed Pt. 1/3 ★ https://goo.gl/Qx7F9t The Strawman Fallacy | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios ★ https://goo.gl/397Xv9 A Look At The Sovereignty Movement w/ Attorney Margo Lane on Freedomlink Radio 12/12/10 ★ https://goo.gl/lC5zCw This interview with Thomas Anderson, discusses how our rights as a human being have been stripped at the moment of our birth, in the eyes of the law, and making us a "legal corporation" instead of a human being. When we were born and our birth certificate was registered with the Australian Government, we were each given a fake legal entity. This fake legal entity, which is any name in all capital letters (Capitis Diminutio Maxima), eg: MR JOHN DOE instead of John Doe, makes us a corporation, instead of a natural person. The Strawman Illusion ★ Conspiracy Theory Law Sovereign Argument Explained ✦ The Matrix Exposed YouTube Playlist ☕ http://goo.gl/QZPBmM This means we are under Admiralty Law (birth certificate was registered with the Australia Government) and therefore we have, without our consent, waived all of our rights as a natural person and all the protections that go with it, meaning we are under the rule of the Laws of Commerce. Check your credit cards, drivers license, library cards and passports, and see whether they are in all caps! Capitis Diminutio Maxima) Admiralty Law! BANK FRAUD EXPOSED: That's how money is created out of nothing more than your signature. June 25, 2009 - Donnerstag BANK FRAUD EXPOSED Most people are unaware of what goes on behind the scenes in banking. In fact, during the past six months, I have spoken with hundreds of bank tellers, call centre staff, debt collectors, solicitors and lawyers, who are all acting on behalf of banking institutions such as AMEX, CITIBANK, COMMONWEALTH BANK, BENDIGO BANK, and the ANZ. During that time, not one of the people I spoke to claimed to have any banking knowledge when I asked them. Not one of them even knew what a "T" Account is. However they still made statements such as "I'm the credit card specialist" or "your mortgage expert". To date, I have not yet received an answer from anyone regarding my one simple question. A question that invokes such fear and panic in bank staff that they lie, deny, change the subject, argue, disappear altogether or just pass me on to someone else. The question is "Did the bank actually loan any of it's own money to my client, or did it merely monetise the loan agreement creating a credit on account through bookkeeping entires that it then used to fund the loan ?" That would be an exchange, not a loan, and I guarantee you would not have been given full disclosure that you were in fact the source of the funds, and that the bank never loaned you a cent...that is the fraud that Banks get away with everyday. That's how money is created out of nothing more than your signature. Thomas Anderson This is a talk that Thomas Anderson, under the alias Agent J, made in late 2007, called "The Strawman Illusion". It is based on over 20 years of research. Thomas Andersons books can be obtained from his website http://www.theclassifiedfiles.com/ ★ Post comments or questions, share, like and subscribe! ★ Best Science, Discovery and History Channel - my opinion ★ http://www.387911.com ✦ Best UFO Videos ★ http://www.breakingnewsfox.com ✦ Best Alternative News ★ Facebook ✦ https://goo.gl/Hp0bdX Strawman Illusion the Matrix Revealed -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Trending: Earth is a Hologram 👓 the Holographic Universe Workshops Part 2 👽 Quantum Physics & Consciousness 5 Watch: https://youtu.be/-O731A4s148 The Holographic Universe Workshops Understanding Quantum Physics & Consciousness Updated: Mar. 28, 2016 5:03 AM Also be sure to check out: Big Pharma & Marijuana (3/30/16) on Coast to Coast AM (C2CAM)! http://www.coasttocoastam.com Popular on YouTube: #CoastToCoastAM https://goo.gl/k4OPuf Rense Radio this Week: Fukushima / Syria (Mar. 16, 2016 show) Rense Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JRense Alternative News, Views and Information http://www.renseradio.com/ Caravan to Midnight John B Wells this Week: Hagmann & Hagmann (Mar. 17, 2016 show) John B Wells Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JohnBWellsCTM http://caravantomidnight.com/ Alex Jones Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel Prison Planet: Sunday March 27, 2016 Happy Easter Sunday 3/30/16 Top UFO Videos Coast to Coast on this Prison Planet! A Special Thanks to: beforeitsnews.com theguardian.com disclose.tv -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
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