Title : DR. URANUS (Planets #5) Duration : 03:13 Posted : 19 Apr 2016 - 22:05
DR. URANUS (Planets #5)
NEXT EP: http://smo.sh/Planets06 PREVIOUS EP: http://smo.sh/Planets04 SUBSCRIBE: http://smo.sh/SubToShutUp Uranus finally gets his Ph.D diploma but the other Planets aren't very impressed. Worlds will collide when reality TV moves from the Jersey Shore to Outer Space ... find out what the celestial bodies in our solar system are really like in a new episode of PLANETS every Monday on Shut Up! Cartoons! Shut Up! and... Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Sub2ShutUp Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ShutUpCartoons Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ShutUpCartoons Add us to your Google+: http://bit.ly/ShutUpGPlus Shut Up! Cartoons SHIRTS! http://bit.ly/ShutUpShirt Like Planets on Facebook: http://facebook.com/PlanetsCartoon Follow Planets on Twitter: http://twitter.com/PlanetsCartoon"shut up! cartoons" "shut up cartoons" shutupcartoons smosh ianh "anthony padilla" "ian hecox" shut up cartoon animation cartoons funny animations "funny cartoons" sun mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto space "outer space" "Matt Clark" manbaby diploma dr doctor lost phd "dr. uranus"
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