Exposing the "global warning" Hoax part 1/3 |
This video is meant as a video reply / commentary to the cassiopeiaproject´s video "Global warming" as to expose it as the Hoax it is. Their video is, misleading, utterly deceiving, deceptive and contains randomly picked data with a further topping of data misinterpretation. They have done their best as to bastardize scientific facts, so as to confuse us all as to what choices we as homo sapiens sapiens, has to make if we care for the future of our children and the survival of our species. Why they have done so, I can only guess, though it seems as usua,l that there are "hell bent" religious people behind it. In short Their reasoning is so flawed, that I have come to think of the cassiopeiaproject, as the Kent Hovinds of global climate change. The original video can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVASFcMwTXk I did not need to make the following list of references & links, as the cassiopeiaproject did not cite any 3rd party material used in their video. Not even their use of NASA animations, which is a large part of their video. Further more, the fact that I am willing to share my sources and the cassiopeiaproject are not, should stand as a firm warning as to the validity of their claims. Links and references: Composite total Solar Irradiance (Frohlich & Lean) http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/briefs/rind_03/fig1.jpg NASA (Updated all the friggin time) DATASETS & IMAGES GISS Surface Temperature Analysis Graphs of: 1) Global Annual Mean Surface Air Temperature Change 2) Annual Mean Temperature Change for Land and Ocean 3)ect. :) http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/ National Snow and Ice Data Center (January 7, 2009) 2008 Year-in-Review Graph´ of arctic ice extent http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/ NASA (March 02, 2006) NASA Mission Detects significant Antarctic Ice Mass Loss Graph´ of Antarctic ice extent This makes the claims in cassiopeiaproject´video = VOID & NULL The graph is to the right, you cannot miss it :) http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2006-028 NASA´ global Climate change main site: http://climate.jpl.nasa.gov/ NASA News (01.21.09) Satellites Confirm Half-Century of West Antarctic Warming http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/warming_antarctica.html NASA Feature (03.08.06) Impact of Climate Warming on Polar Ice Sheets Confirmed http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/environment/ice_sheets.html NASA news (March 8, 2006) NASA Survey Confirms Climate Warming Impact on Polar Ice Sheets http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2006/mar/HQ_06089_polar_ice_sheets_melting.html For the skeptics NASA March 20, 2003 (I am afraid this is old news, the data has been compiled. The sun has only a minor effect on earth´ global warming. Anyway it´s a little fish you can play with. It´s just like a wrongly dated fossil for the creationists LOL) SOLAR TREND THAT CAN CHANGE CLIMATE http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/news/20030320/ Obsolete data used in the cassiopeiaproject´ video Global Sea Ice Changes The data is from November 1978 December 1998 The data is irrelevant because it only shows the area of ice [Km2] not the actual amount of ice which is measured in [KM3]. I am truly sorry for this little fact, the truth sometimes not as one wish it to be :) Impact of Climate Warming on Polar Ice Sheets Confirmed http://polynya.gsfc.nasa.gov/seaice_projects_image_10.html Please email me if you find faults with any of the links or references. Out out you deamons of ignorance :) Yours truly JRBendixen
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