For more 2012 Mayan videos, visit our channel. A beautiful mind like our Lord Pakal Ahau is a great astronomer and a perfect mathematician of the 21st Century. In this movie clip, he shows how the Aztec Stone Calendar (Piedra Azteca del Sol), a sort of modern Stargate operates and the Mayan legacy to the Aztecs. Together, we learn the actual relationships between physics and metaphysics (cosmic quantum philosophy) of our Mayan ancestors and how this tiny planet called Earth expands human consciousness in direct proportion to our Universal Evolution until 2012, the end time of our Great Mayan Cycle, and beyond. Reflect and meditate on one of the great truths of mankind. Become informed. If you want to watch a great movie documentary, get What The Bleep Do We Know? Search Google and will take you to some links. NOTE: If you're not a mathematician or physicist don't worry about the formulas. They are there as a proof for dimensional analysis (a tough mathematical course lectured at a Master/Ph.D. degree). Travel well.
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