Title : Zecharia Sitchin 🎤 UFO Austra Albus Planet X Nibiru Ancient Aliens Nephilim 👽 Return of Anunnaki H1 Duration : 03:04 Posted : 29 Apr 2016 - 14:05
Zecharia Sitchin 🎤 UFO Austra Albus Planet X Nibiru Ancient Aliens Nephilim 👽 Return of Anunnaki H1
Planet X, Ancient Aliens, Niburu, UFO, Earth, Zecharia Sitchin, Anunnaki, Mars, Nephilim, Sumerians, Chronicles 4/28/16 REVELATION: PLANET X IS CLOSE HERE IS SOME EVIDENCE NIBIRU WORMWOOD IS NOW ✔ https://goo.gl/38fMVN Coast To Coast AM - May 19, 2015 The Mysterious Anunnaki ✔ https://goo.gl/2nkBkq Zecharia Sitchin - The End of Days - In Memoriam - Interview 2009 ✔ https://goo.gl/F9nRZO Michael Tellinger - Sitchin, the Annunaki & Monatomic Gold ✔ https://goo.gl/T0VsAR Sitchin, Annunaki and Nibiru - Enki Speaks ✔ https://goo.gl/YmnBVT New UFO Files - Zecharia Sitchin - Documentary ✔ https://goo.gl/OGvQMI C2CAM Coast to Coast AM Full Radio Shows! - be a Coast Insider!! Wednesday May 5, 2015 Ancient aliens Erich Von Daniken discusses his latest work which has been featured on the History Channel's Ancient aliens! Thursday Mar. 12, 2015 Hidden Archaeology Michael Cremo discusses forbidden archaeology and human origins including artifacts and discoveries. Robert Morningstar, talks about towers on the moon and a secret space program. Wednesday Nov. 5, 2014 Politics & Economy/ Ancient Texts & MJ-12 Docs Expert in theology, biblical languages, and world civilizations, Mike Heiser, updated us ancient astronaut beliefs, Nazi UFOs, Giants in biblical texts, end times and the New World Order. Saturday Aug. 23, 2014 Ancient Astronauts Jim Marrs, discussed his essay, "Unholy Alliance: Ancient Astronauts and the New World Financial Order," published in Lost Secrets of the Gods. "The most ancient cultures in the world... they all tell the same story: Gods came from the sky and taught them things". Zecharia Sitchin 🎤 UFO Austra Albus Planet X Nibiru Ancient Aliens Nephilim 👽 Return of Anunnaki YouTube Playlist ☕ http://goo.gl/iOH2bM Zecharia Sitchin Anunnaki and Planet X Nibiru Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki. Zecharia Sitchin Official website: ✔ http://www.sitchin.com/ Nibiru Planet X Zecharia Sitchin believed this hypothetical planet of Nibiru to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth's own Solar System. Austra Albus Bloodlines Origin of the Greys, (Austra Albus/Anunnaki) Nephilims, (Fallen Angels/Progenitor Race) We know that the Austra Albus thrive, up on the surface, and have successfully interbred with Humans creating an elitist group of humans. The last direct lineage of the Progenitors exist as an Alien-Human hybrid species. This occurred when they too (Austra Albus) began to die; so to survive they genetically modified early humans, and then interbred with them to sustain their lineage. A group of beings representing a creator class called the Progenitors, an advanced group of distant celestial origin. This group was often referred to by the others as simply the Gods, the Creators or Progenitors intent was to create a new successor race with their own genetic foot print. Zecharia Sitchin Sumerians and the Anunnaki Nibiruans live on the planet Nibiru, which revolves around our sun every 3,600 years Ancient aliens Nibiru Sitchin links the complex calendar of Stonehenge and the puzzling ruins of Tiahuanacu in Peru to the ancient culture of the Sumerians, and the Nibiruans. Zecharia Sitchin has deciphered more then 2,000 clay cylinders from that ancient land on the Persian Gulf that existed some 6,000 years ago. Zecharia Sitchin Sumerians and the Anunnaki One fragment in particular, presently in Germany, indicates that Earth is the seventh planet. Sitchin's research on UFO's, Eric Von Daniken and countless other researchers claim to have evidence for extraterrestrials. ★ Post comments or questions, share, like and subscribe! ★ Best Science, Discovery and History Channel - my opinion ★ http://www.387911.com ✦ Best UFO Videos ★ http://www.breakingnewsfox.com ✦ Best Alternative News ★ Facebook ✦ https://goo.gl/Hp0bdX Zecharia Sitchin Earth Chronicles -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Trending: Turkey UFO 🐥 Aliens Caught on Tape Real Footage 👽 Clearest UFO Footage Ever Alien Occupants Visible Watch: https://youtu.be/omUdWZf8y2M Turkey UFO Sighting Updated: Apr. 28, 2016 11:41 AM Also be sure to check out: Earthfiles Reports (4/28/16) on Coast to Coast AM (C2CAM)! http://www.coasttocoastam.com Popular on YouTube: #CoastToCoastAM https://goo.gl/k4OPuf Rense Radio this Week: Zombie Nation (Apr. 4, 2016 show) Rense Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JRense Alternative News, Views and Information! http://www.renseradio.com/ Caravan to Midnight John B Wells this Week: Amerigeddon (Apr. 21, 2016 show) John B Wells Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JohnBWellsCTM http://caravantomidnight.com/ Alex Jones Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel Prison Planet: Thursday April 28, 2016 Trump on Clinton 4/28/16 Top UFO Videos Coast to Coast on this Prison Planet! A Special Thanks to: beforeitsnews.com theguardian.com disclose.tv -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
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