Title : Genesis Revisited ๐ Zecharia Sitchin Niburu Sumerian Anunnaki Mars Planet X ๐ฝ Phenomenon TV Show 3 Duration : 12:12 Posted : 29 May 2016 - 08:05
Genesis Revisited ๐ Zecharia Sitchin Niburu Sumerian Anunnaki Mars Planet X ๐ฝ Phenomenon TV Show 3
Planet X Niburu, UFO, Alien, Zecharia Sitchin, Anunnaki, Mars, Ancient aliens 5/28/16 Coast To Coast AM - May 19, 2015 The Mysterious Anunnaki โ https://goo.gl/2nkBkq C2CAM Coast to Coast AM Full Radio Shows! - Additional Info! Wednesday May 5, 2015 Ancient aliens Erich Von Daniken discusses his latest work which has been featured on the History Channel's Ancient aliens! Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge? Thursday Mar. 12, 2015 Hidden Archaeology Michael Cremo discusses forbidden archaeology and human origins including artifacts and discoveries. Robert Morningstar, talks about evidence for towers on the moon, and a secret space program. Wednesday Nov. 5, 2014 Politics & Economy/ Ancient Texts & MJ-12 Docs Expert in theology, biblical languages, and world civilizations, Mike Heiser, will update his work on ancient astronaut beliefs, Nazi UFOs, giants in biblical texts and history, as well as end times and the New World Order. Saturday Aug. 23, 2014 Ancient Astronauts Jim Marrs, discussed his essay, "Unholy Alliance: Ancient Astronauts and the New World Financial Order," published in Lost Secrets of the Gods. "The most ancient cultures in the world... they all tell the same story: Gods came from the sky and taught them things". Phenomenon: The Lost Archives - Season 1 Episode 13 TV Show / TV Series (1998-2000) Genesis Revisited ๐ Zecharia Sitchin Niburu Sumerian Anunnaki Mars Planet X ๐ฝ Phenomenon TV Show YouTube Playlist โ http://goo.gl/IGQSGY Anunnaki Documentary Genesis Revisited from Phenomenon - The Lost Archives. Based on the book Genesis Revisited from Zecharia Sitchin. About the history of the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru as it is told on Sumerian clay tablets. Sumerians and Aliens Evidence of a civilization ruled by emissaries from another world are revealed in the ancient tablets of man. Historian and Archeologist Zecharia Sitchin uncovers the lost and hidden archives of the Anunnaki - Extraterrestrial ancient aliens who over 6,000 years ago inspired what is thought to be the earliest civilization known to man, the Sumerian.Civilization. The Lost Archives From the sacred stone tablets of this culture, many of the teachings of the earliest inventors, philosophers and biblical scholars once thought mythical, are now known to be true. Sumerians and Anunnaki Where did these Anunnaki come from? Sitchin says and NASA scientists concur, that there may be a mysterious 10th member to our solar system (Planet X) the Sumerians called it Nibiru. Planet X Nibiru There has been much speculation about government and religious organizations that might be hiding important information from the public, or allowing untruths to be accepted, supposedly to protect the population. Mars UFO Why is this information withheld, and whose advantage would this serve? Phenomenon: The Lost Archives -- Genesis Revisited discusses these issues and raises more, including the finding of ancient tablets that might or might not reveal proof that other intelligence from worlds beyond seeded the planet. Planet X Documentary Could the Sumerians have been in Alien contact with extraterrestrial life forms 6,000 years ago? โ Post comments or questions, share, like and subscribe! โ Best Science, Discovery and History Channel - my opinion โ http://www.387911.com โฆ Best UFO Videos โ http://www.breakingnewsfox.com โฆ Best Alternative News โ Facebook โฆ https://goo.gl/Hp0bdX Planet X Nibiru -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Trending: Billy Meier ๐ฅ UFO Footage Time Travel Alien Photos Prophecy Documentary ๐ฝ Wendelle Stevens Contact Watch: https://youtu.be/z16B3IP1Bbg Billy Meier Documentary Video Updated: May 28, 2016 5:22 AM Also be sure to check out: Hijacked Trillions (5/28/16) on Coast to Coast AM (C2CAM)! http://www.coasttocoastam.com Popular on YouTube: #CoastToCoastAM https://goo.gl/k4OPuf Rense Radio this Week: Zombie Nation (Apr. 4, 2016 show) Rense Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JRense Alternative News, Views and Information! http://www.renseradio.com/ Caravan to Midnight John B Wells this Week: Amerigeddon (Apr. 21, 2016 show) John B Wells Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/JohnBWellsCTM http://caravantomidnight.com/ Alex Jones Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel Prison Planet: Friday May 27, 2016 Trump Nomination 5/28/16 Top UFO Videos Coast to Coast on this Prison Planet! A Special Thanks to: beforeitsnews.com theguardian.com disclose.tv -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
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