Title : It Would Take Literally Forever to Type | AT&T ThreatTraq #178 (Full Show) Duration : 50:29 Posted : 12 May 2016 - 12:05
It Would Take Literally Forever to Type | AT&T ThreatTraq #178 (Full Show)
Discussion Topics 0:56 - Trend Micro: A Case of Too Much Information: Ransomware Code Shared Publicly for "Educational Purposes", Used Maliciously Anyway 7:52 - Ars Technica: Bug that can leak crypto keys just fixed in widely used OpenSSH 14:11 - Snopes' Field Guide to Fake News Sites and Hoax Purveyors 16:49 - sean cassidy: LostPass 23:02 - Symantec: Android.Bankosy: All ears on voice call-based 2FA 31:17 - John Markley's Security Trivia 41:29 - Internet Weather Report Ports of Interest 11101/udp (BHT protocol) 23/tcp (telnet) 53413/udp (netis router) 3389/tcp (RDP) Originally recorded January 19, 2016. AT&T ThreatTraq welcomes your e-mail questions and feedback at attthreattraq@list.att.com AT&T Data Security Analysts Brian Rexroad, John Hogoboom, Matt Keyser, and John Markley, discuss the week's top cyber security news, and share news on the current trends of malware, spam, and internet anomalies observed on the AT&T Network.
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