Title : Dr Scott McQuate ILLUMINATI Secrets, DNA, Planet X Nibiru And Biblical Apocalypse of the End Times Duration : 02:09:25 Posted : 20 May 2016 - 12:05
Dr Scott McQuate ILLUMINATI Secrets, DNA, Planet X Nibiru And Biblical Apocalypse of the End Times
Dr. Scott McQuate lectures on Illuminati Secrets, DNA, the Return of Nibiru / Planet X, the Apocalypse of the End Times and more. This is some of the most fascinating information you will ever hear and it is not available anywhere else on the planet! Listn as Dr. McQuate explains the far-reaching, never-before-seen ramifications of these topics in connection to the Biblical End Times including the return of Christ (Second Coming of Christ), the Garden in Eden, the real meaning of the letters YHWH (Tetragrammaton), Jehovah, Yaweh, Elohiym, the Archons, the Ark of the Covenant, Eschatology, the Fallen Angels, the Anunnaki, DNA and alien genetic manipulation and much more. Dr. McQuate explains how the facts of our existence according to Bible Prophecy have been concealed for thousands of years beneath the pages and languages of the Bible as well as the oldest written language of the Sumerian Cuneiform called the 'Ancient Path' that we are told to seek, in the Bible. Dr. Scott McQuate explains in riveting detail how all of these Last Days secrets were sealed up in The Book of in Daniel 12:4 and how they are able to be exposed, just as prophesied, once a proper context is applied and proper techniques of biblical exegesis are used. Get ready for the ride of your life and prepare for a fascinating journey into truth. You can learn more and even be taught by Dr. McQuate one-on-one by becoming an Apprentice at www.InnerCircle.us His works have been called 'The Most Important Works Ever Written About The End Times', 'Scintillating Masterpieces' and more and are also available at www.PaxeonPublishing.com
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