Title : Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space - Platinum Trophy Guide [PS4] rus199410 Duration : 52:55 Posted : 08 Mar 2016 - 14:05
Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space - Platinum Trophy Guide [PS4] rus199410
► Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space - Platinum Trophy Guide [PS4] rus199410 ✔ (Silver Trophy) SPEED RUNNER I'm lightning! (Tips!) Escape the room less than 50 seconds. ✔ (Silver Trophy) MAD SCIENTIST Great Scott! (Tips!) Combine the snack with the red tin can. ✔ (Bronze Trophy) CRAZY DRINKER My Doctor said I should drink more! (Tips!) Find red tin can on the floor and make some sips. ✔ (Silver Trophy) DEADLY DRINK I should check the expiration date first! (Tips!) Drink the entire contents of the red tin can. ✔ (Bronze Trophy) REDSHIRT You don't want to wear a red shirt on landing-party duty (Tips!) Die first time. ✔ (Silver Trophy) RAT BITE I'll turn into Ratman! (Tips!) Pick up the rat from the floor and let it bite you. ✔ (Silver Trophy) DEADLY RAT Never tempt fate... (Tips!) Let rat bite you to death. ✔ (Bronze Trophy) PYROMAN Barbecue time! (Tips!) Burn yourself in the flames. ✔ (Bronze Trophy) EYE POP Oops! (Tips!) Once you manage to kill the monster, pick up its eye. ✔ (Silver Trophy) THREE POINTS I think I could be an NBA All Star! (Tips!) Throw monsters eye into the bucket from long distance. ✔ (Bronze Trophy) TWO POINTS Easy! (Tips!) Throw monsters eye into the bucket. ✔ (Bronze Trophy) DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME No, Really, Don't! (Tips!) Put the bucket full of water under the two cables. ✔ (Silver Trophy) INVESTIGATOR Elementary, my dear Watson! (Tips!) Look at the painted symbol on a cardboard box. ✔ (Golden Trophy) ARACHNOPHILE With great power, comes great responsibility! (Tips!) Feed the spider (use your snack). ✔ (Bronze Trophy) ARACHNOPHOBIA I had no choice... It was me or it! (Tips!) Pick up the spider. ✔ (Silver Trophy) BACHELOR DEGREE I'm a genius! (Tips!) Observe all of the papers in the hidden drawer compartment. ✔ (Silver Trophy) HOARDER I carry bricks with me everywhere I go. (Tips!) Grab some bricks with you. ✔ (Silver Trophy) FISHERMAN I sleep with the fishes. (Tips!) Feed the fishes using your snack. (But don't observe them) ✔ (Silver Trophy) WRENCH if you can dodge a wrench... (Tips!) Use the wrench to kill the monster. ✔ (Bronze Trophy) COLA Burp! (Tips!) Drink the bottle of cola. ✔ (Golden Trophy) FANCY A COLA? To cola! The cause of... and solution to... all of life's problems! (Tips!) Break the empty bottle and use it to kill the monster. ✔ (Silver Trophy) BOOMBOX So 80's... (Tips!) Turn on the radio, pick it up and walk. ✔ (Golden Trophy) DOPEFISH The second-dumbest creature in the universe. (Tips!) Look at the strange green Dopefish. ✔ (Silver Trophy) GREEN THUMB Damn! I'm a watchman, not a gardener! (Tips!) Use shears on the Ivy by the Dopefish. ✔ (Bronze Trophy) BRAVE Or stupid? (Tips!) Hit the monster 10 times with your fist. ✔ (Silver Trophy) ESCARGOT They go down slowly... (Tips!) Eat snail. ✔ (Silver Trophy) SUBMARINE All submarines should be yellow... (Tips!) Drown and take damage until your health bar is yellow. ✔ (Bronze Trophy) ZAMPONE The real crowbar! (Tips!) Use crowbar on ammobox. ✔ (Bronze Trophy) STAY PUFT Don't cross the streams! (Tips!) Observe the trap from Ghostbusters (behind the boxes on the right side after the crossing green acid) ✔ (Golden Trophy) DR. MCCOY I'm a nightwatchman, not a doctor! (Tips!) Pick up a Medkit from the tables and try to use it on the Zombies before having punched them to death. ✔ (Platinum Trophy) THE ALIEN Who's who? (Tips!) Get all the other trophies.
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