Title : Pluto Returns as a Planet: Welcome Back Duration : 04:12 Posted : 08 Mar 2016 - 13:05
Pluto Returns as a Planet: Welcome Back
Pluto, a celestial snowball with a surface of methane ice some 3.6 billion miles from the sun, might be making its way back into the solar system fraternity. First discovered and classified as planet in 1930, Pluto was relegated to "dwarf-planet" status by the International Astronomical Union in 2006. They booted it out since there appeared to be a bunch of other big rocks just like Pluto out beyond the eighth planet (Neptune), all considered too puny to be called a planet. Now, some scientists say that Pluto should be back. The Gentleman Grochowski Show is Chicago's Favorite Improv Comedy Television Show starring The TVHAMS Comedy Troupe.
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